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Also in the autumn of 1955, Perkins wrote “Blue Suede Shoes”[5] after seeing a dancer get angry with his date for scuffing up his shoes.[35] Several weeks later, on December 19 cheap clip in hair extensions, 1955, Perkins and his band recorded the song during a session at Sun Studio in Memphis. Phillips suggested changes to the lyrics (“Go, cat, go”), and the band changed the end of the song to a “boogie vamp”.[36] Presley left Sun for a RCA in November, and on December 19, 1955, Phillips, who had begun recording Perkins in late 1954, told Perkins real hair extensions clip in, “Carl Perkins, you’re my rockabilly cat now.”[37] Released on January 1, 1956, “Blue Suede Shoes” was a massive chart success. In the United States, it reached number 1 on Billboard magazine’s country music chart (the only number 1 success he would have) and number 2 on the Billboard Best Sellers popular music chart.

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